François-Honoré-Georges Jacob, JACOB-DESMALTER, Attribué à
(1770 - 1841)
Exceptional pair of monumental torches
Attributed to François-Honoré Georges Jacob, called Jacob-Desmalter, the carpenter-cabinetmaker of the furniture storage unit of the Emperor Napoleon
Paris, Empire period, circa 1810.
H. 260 cm (102 3/8 in)
Finely sculpted alder; gilding with partially burnished leaf
Their boles, in baluster pillars, are underlined with bands and foliaged stems punctuated with florets, and framed of pearls and olives friezes, with double rows of water leaves on top of it, where emerge patterns of tiny stems of crosses with foliaged bases. The lower parts of the boles have large Acanthus leaves on the top of which are bunches with double coiling ending in ear of wheat or florets. The upper parts, with bands in molded bulrushes and on the top falls of vine branches, shape bunches of waterleaves; and held the capitals in bowls with knurled bellies enlivened with ovum friezes. The overall stands on overturned bases, with Acanthus leaves ending in scrolls and framing small parts with bearded men masks of « antique style », and ribbons, held by tripod bases in leonine leg and faces of palm-leaf pattern, surrounded with facing crosses or coiling. Finally, some high triangular baseboards, with cut angles and re-entrant sides, hold the overall composition.
Paris, Empire period, circa 1810.
H. 260 cm (102 3/8 in)
Finely sculpted alder; gilding with partially burnished leaf
Their boles, in baluster pillars, are underlined with bands and foliaged stems punctuated with florets, and framed of pearls and olives friezes, with double rows of water leaves on top of it, where emerge patterns of tiny stems of crosses with foliaged bases. The lower parts of the boles have large Acanthus leaves on the top of which are bunches with double coiling ending in ear of wheat or florets. The upper parts, with bands in molded bulrushes and on the top falls of vine branches, shape bunches of waterleaves; and held the capitals in bowls with knurled bellies enlivened with ovum friezes. The overall stands on overturned bases, with Acanthus leaves ending in scrolls and framing small parts with bearded men masks of « antique style », and ribbons, held by tripod bases in leonine leg and faces of palm-leaf pattern, surrounded with facing crosses or coiling. Finally, some high triangular baseboards, with cut angles and re-entrant sides, hold the overall composition.
François-Honoré-Georges Jacob, said Jacob Desmalter (1770-1841)
can be considered as the most important craftsman in Parisian seats of the first quarter of the 19th century. Younger son of the famous carpenter Georges Jacob (1739-1814), he marries in 1798 Adélaïde-Anne Lignereux, who is herself the daughter of the famous art dealer Martin-Eloi Lignereux. In the first times, he distinguishes himself with is talent for drawing, but then in 1796, he associates with is elderly brother Georges II Jacob (1768-1803), and they both take over the studio of their father, in the street of Meslée and called Jacob Frères. After the death of his brother, Jacob Desmalter becomes his father’s partner, who came back in the business, and changes his stamp. After about a decade, they will be the official suppliers of the Imperial Furniture Storage Unit and some of the greatest amateur of the time. However, in 1813, the numerous delays of payment from the Imperial administration lead to the bankruptcy of the House Jacob. In 1825, he sells his business assets to his son for a comfortable life annuity income of 6000 francs a year. Freed from the load of his studio, he decides to travel, mainly in England where George IV asks him to participate to the scenery of the Castle of Windsor. He dies in Paris, in Cadet Street, on the 15th of August 1841.
can be considered as the most important craftsman in Parisian seats of the first quarter of the 19th century. Younger son of the famous carpenter Georges Jacob (1739-1814), he marries in 1798 Adélaïde-Anne Lignereux, who is herself the daughter of the famous art dealer Martin-Eloi Lignereux. In the first times, he distinguishes himself with is talent for drawing, but then in 1796, he associates with is elderly brother Georges II Jacob (1768-1803), and they both take over the studio of their father, in the street of Meslée and called Jacob Frères. After the death of his brother, Jacob Desmalter becomes his father’s partner, who came back in the business, and changes his stamp. After about a decade, they will be the official suppliers of the Imperial Furniture Storage Unit and some of the greatest amateur of the time. However, in 1813, the numerous delays of payment from the Imperial administration lead to the bankruptcy of the House Jacob. In 1825, he sells his business assets to his son for a comfortable life annuity income of 6000 francs a year. Freed from the load of his studio, he decides to travel, mainly in England where George IV asks him to participate to the scenery of the Castle of Windsor. He dies in Paris, in Cadet Street, on the 15th of August 1841.